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China to Further Improve Services for Village Residents

Posting time:2024-06-03 19:46:25

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China to Further Improve Services for Village Residents

 July 27, 2022

BEIJING, July 26 (Xinhua) — China will further facilitate village residents' access to everyday services such as mail and telecom services, accelerate rural road construction, toilet renovation and sewage treatment, and improve rural living environment, according to a press conference by the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) on Tuesday.

The MCA, together with other authorities and departments, have jointly released a guideline on enriching and improving comprehensive services provided at the village level.

The guideline specifies efforts to advance the standardization of village clinics, and improve public health and basic medical care services; to further build the medical service system, employment and social insurance public service system; and to improve social service provision at the village level.

It also outlines efforts to optimize the management of public affairs and charity at the village level, and guide villagers and private entities to further develop the rural service industry that ranges from retail, catering, and hotels to hairdressing and maintenance.


(Source: Xinhua)


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